Dr. Jan Halamek Lab

Current Projects

  • Noninvasive sensing: detection and/or quantification of metabolites and other compounds found in sweat from the skin surface, can be applied to biometric, forensic, and biomedical purposes such as determination of biological sex, or age of fingerprints

  • Forensic Serology: using biometric analysis of compounds found in blood for originator differentiation, similar to that of DNA comparison methods

  • Fingerprint content analysis: utilizing the compounds contained in latent fingerprints to determine originator attributes for forensic investigative purposes

  • Noninvasive detection of illicit drugs: sensing of illicit drug metabolites such as THC from individual sweat samples for forensic and biomedical purposes, as well as possible future law enforcement applications

  • Novel approaches in chemical warfare agents (CWAs): ultra-sensitive detection and dosimetry of CWAs such as organophosphates (OPs) for military and homeland security applications


The Department of Environmental Toxicology (ENTX) is the academic home for the core faculty of The Institute of Environmental and Human Health (TIEHH) and the Institute for Forensic Science (IFS) at Texas Tech University. TIEHH and IFS provide faculty and graduate students opportunities for multidisciplinary research and scholarly engagement related to environmental, forensic and human health sciences.


1207 Gilbert Drive • Box 41163   •   Lubbock, Texas   •   Tel: 806-742-4567

 © The Department of Environmental Toxicology (ENTX)  - All Rights Reserved  •  Updated 10/20/21